Auto & Trucking Atlantic Blog Electric Vehicle Readiness Dashboard Launch
Blog Summer 2022

Electric Vehicle Readiness Dashboard Launch

Incentive gap in canada map

Leading automotive industry associations published an Electric Vehicle Readiness Dashboard June 24 that identifies the consumer incentive and charging infrastructure gaps that need to be addressed if Canada is to achieve its zero-emission vehicle sales targets. The analysis finds that Canada is not providing consumers with adequate purchase incentives to make the switch to electric vehicles (EVs) and is nearly 1.7 million EV chargers short of what is required to power an increasingly electrified vehicle fleet. 

The EV Dashboard was developed by the Canadian Automobile Dealers Association, the Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association, and Global Automakers of Canada, as part of a larger initiative aimed at helping Canadians and political leaders understand what is needed to succeed in the transformation to electrification. More information can be found at

“In order to have a chance of meeting the very ambitious electrification goals announced by the Federal Government, potential customers must have the certainty that they will be able to afford an EV and that they can charge their cars where they live, work & play. This Readiness Dashboard will help them make those assessments and will help government officials understand where the gaps are,” stated Tim Reuss, President & CEO of the Canadian Automobile Dealers Association.

“Federal and provincial governments are not doing enough to put Canada on the path to achieving the 100% zero-emission vehicle sales target by 2035,” said Brian Kingston, President & CEO of the Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association. “Automakers are investing billions of dollars to bring new EVs to the market, including right here in Canada. We need a comprehensive, long-term plan to address the consumer incentive and charging gap to help all Canadians make the switch to electric.” 

“Automakers are here to partner with the federal government to meet the aggressive 2026, 2030 and 2035 zero-emission vehicle targets,” said David Adams, President & CEO of the Global Automakers of Canada. “However, neither industry nor government controls the consumer and in order for this transition to take place, consumers need to see a comprehensive, transparent plan from the government to build out adequate fueling infrastructure, along with the assurance that federal and provincial incentives will not only remain but be adjusted to ensure that ZEVs remain a viable and affordable option for consumers looking to purchase a new vehicle.”

For more information, please contact: 
Sophie Normand
Cell: 613-407-4294

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